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Voter Resources


Register to Vote

There are several ways to register to vote.



Apply For Mail In Ballot

There are several ways to request a mail-in ballot.



PLEASE NOTE: Voters have the option to request to be added to the annual (formerly called "permanent") ballot request list. When selecting this option, you will receive a reminder letter to apply for your vote-by-mail ballot in February of each year. You must complete and return the enclosed application (or apply online). Once your request is approved, you will automatically receive ballots for the remainder of the year. You do not need to submit an application for each election that year. â€‹If you did not receive a mail-in ballot for the primary, you should apply for one if you wish to vote by mail in the general election.

Vote Boxes

Important Resources

PA Department of State Voter Services Page -​ Click here

- Includes information regarding applying to vote, applying for a ballot, finding your polling place, etc.


York County Elections Office -​ Click here

- Includes information regarding applying to vote, applying for a ballot, finding your polling place, etc.


PA Dems Voter Services Page - Click here

- A collection of voter resources by the Pennsylvania Democratic Party

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